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property appraiser st lucie county

About Exemptions

What are Exemptions?

Exemptions reduce the assessed value of your property, thereby reducing the amount of property tax you pay. If your property is your permanent residence, or homestead, you may be eligible for a tax exemption. Several types of exemptions are available.

Under the Florida Constitution, residents who apply and qualify will receive an exemption that reduces the taxable value of their property by up to $50,000. A partial exemption may apply if the applicant’s ownership of the property is less than 100%.

You must meet the following requirements as of January 1st of the qualifying tax year:

  • Have legal or beneficial title to the property, as recorded in the Official Records of Saint Lucie County.
  • In good faith make the property your permanent residence.
  • Be a permanent resident of the State of Florida.
  • Be a United States citizen or possess a Permanent Resident Alien Card (Green Card). **Some exceptions apply. Please contact our office for additional information.

You may file your application online or in person at one of our 2 convenient locations. The filing deadline is March 1st of the tax year for which you are applying. However, pre-file applications are accepted during the year.

All Proof of residency should be dated prior to January 1st

Information needed for each person filing for an exemption:

    • Florida driver’s license
    • Social Security Card or Number of applicant & applicant’s spouse
    • If the applicant is not a U.S. Citizen, a U.S. Permanent Resident Alien Card
    • Copy of entire trust, if the property is so titled

Additional Information Needed

  • Date each applicant became a permanent Florida resident
  • Date of occupancy
  • Date of birth of all applicants
  • Any exemptions filed last year
  • Address of last income tax return

If additional information is needed to process your application, you will be notified. You can file for an exemption online by clicking here. (It’s fast, easy and convenient!)

Important: A change in the title of your property such as conveying into a trust or adding a spouse will require you to make a new application for your exemption. Homestead and other exemptions are not transferable. If you purchase and/or move to a new residence, it is your responsibility to reapply on your new home. Please notify us when your mailing address changes. If you don’t notify the Property Appraisers office, you could lose your exemption.

Once you have established Homestead Exemption, the following conditions apply if your property is rented (Florida Statute 196.061):

  • If your home is rented January 1, you will lose the Homestead Exemption for that tax year.
  • You may rent your home (after January 1) for 30 days or less per calendar year and maintain the Homestead Exemption.
  • You may rent your home (after January 1) for more than 30 days and maintain your Homestead Exemption for that tax year. However, if you rent again the following year for more than 30 days, you will lose your Homestead Exemption for that tax year.
  • This statute does not apply to a member of the Armed Forces of the United States.
  • Property owners are required to notify the Property Appraiser’s Office when their property no longer qualifies for the exemption. Failure to do so could result in a Homestead Tax lien. Florida Statute 196.011 (9)(a).

The Totally and Permanently Disabled Florida First Responder’s Exemption was approved by Florida voters in the November 2016 general election, finalized by the Florida Legislature and signed by the Governor this spring. This exemption provides ad valorem tax relief equal to the total amount of ad valorem taxes owed on a homestead property of a first responder who is totally and permanently disabled as a result of an injury or injuries sustained in the line of duty while employed by a Florida agency at the time of disability. First responder means a law enforcement officer, a correctional officer, a firefighter, an emergency medical technician or a paramedic.

The Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser’s Office is now accepting applications for the additional exemption for totally and permanently disabled Florida first responders.

For a complete list of the criteria required to qualify for this exemption, please contact our office at 772.462.1021.

To qualify for the Additional Homestead Exemption for Persons 65 and Older, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Florida resident 65 and older as of January 1st of the current year
  • To qualify for this exemption, Adjusted Household Income for the prior year cannot exceed $37,694. Income amount is adjusted annually by the change in the Consumer Price Index

Obtain the Adjusted Gross Income of Household Return Form by clicking here.  (DR-501SC)

Obtain the Request for Transcript of Tax Return Form by clicking here.  (4506T)

Florida residents who are honorably discharged veterans with a service connected disability rating of at least 10% may qualify for this exemption. If filing for the first time, you will be asked to present a current letter from the Veterans Administration. The unremarried surviving spouse of a disabled veteran may also qualify for this exemption if married at least 5 years at the time of the veteran’s death.

Veterans who meet the following specific criteria and have a qualified Homestead Exemption may be eligible for an ad valorem tax discount. The discount will be your percentage of disability applied against the ad valorem taxes owed.

  • Age 65 or older
  • Disabled in combat
  • Honorable discharge

For more information, please contact the Property Appraiser’s Office at 772.462.1021.

Obtain the Homestead Tax Discount Application by clicking here.  (DR-501DV)

Those who qualify are active military personnel who claim a Homestead Exemption and who were deployed during the previous calendar year to any of the following military operations:

  • Noble Eagle
  • Joint Task Force Bravo
  • The Balkans
  • Joint Guardian
  • Spartan Shield
  • Nomad Shadow
  • US Airstrikes Al Qaeda in Somalia
  • Georgia Deployment Program
  • Copper Dune
  • Inherent Resolve
  • Atlantic Resolve
  • Freedom’s Sentinel
  • Resolute Support
  • Juniper Shield
  • Pacific Eagle
  • Martillo
  • Operation Enduring Freedom
  • Horn of Africa
  • European Reassurance Initiative (ERI)/European Deterrence Initiative (EDI)

A service member’s spouse or designee may file an application on behalf of an eligible service member. If you have any questions, please contact our office at 772.462.1021.

Obtain the Deployed Military Exemption Application by clicking here.  (DR-501M)

Florida residents may qualify for total and permanent disability, or blind exemption. If filing for the first time, you will be asked to present:

  • If totally and permanently disabled, a DR-416 from a professionally licensed Florida physician or a Social Security Disability Award letter.
  • Blind exemption applicants will be required to submit a DR-416 from a professionally licensed Florida physician or a letter from the Division of Blind Service.

Obtain the Physician’s Certification for Total and Permanent Disability Form by clicking here.  (DR-416)

Obtain the Optometrist’s Certification for Total and Permanent Disability Form by clicking here.  (DR-416B)

To file for Widow’s/Widower’s Exemption you must be a widow/widower as of January 1st of the current tax year and be a permanent resident of Florida. A copy of the spouse’s death certificate must be provided. Divorced persons and persons who remarry do not qualify for this exemption.

To apply for this exemption please visit one of our office locations and bring a copy of your spouse’s death certificate with you.

Quadriplegics and honorably discharged veterans certified by the federal government with a service connected total and permanent disability, may be eligible for total exemption.

Hemiplegics, paraplegics and other totally and permanently disabled persons reliant on a wheelchair for mobility or persons who are legally blind and meeting certain income requirements may be eligible for total exemption.

To qualify for this exemption, Gross Household income for the prior year cannot exceed $36,745. Income amount is adjusted annually by the change in the Consumer Price Index.

Obtain the Statement of Gross Income Form by clicking here.  (DR-501A)

For further information on any of these exemptions, please contact the Property Appraiser's Office at 772.462.1021

We welcome you to contact our office at 772.462.1000 to speak with a professional