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property appraiser st lucie county

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Help with the Map and Search Features

Click on Search By Real Estate. Search for the property through the Site Address, Owner, or Parcel ID. Once you start typing in the text box search results will start to automatically populate. When the search populates you will see under the Actions column on the left side a teal Record Card button. Click on the button and a Record Card window will pop up with all of the information on the property.

On the home page, you will see a Search By Real Estate icon. Click on the icon and it will take you to the Search By Real Estate page. There you will see the different criteria you can choose to search for a property by at the top of the page in teal. Once you choose the criteria you would like to search by start typing in the text box. Search results will start to automatically populate. Under the Actions column on the left side you will see three teal buttons: Record Card, TRIM, and Map.


On the home page, you will see a Search By Map icon. Click on the icon and it will take you to the Search By Map page. There you will see a map of the county. At the top of the page there is a gray search bar. Click Basic Search, a gray search box will pop up where you can search for a property by Parcel ID, Site Address, or Owner. Once you start typing in any of the follow criteria boxes it will start to populate search results for you automatically. When you have entered the information click Select. A gray information box will pop up over the property on the map and a gray search results box will pop up on the right of your screen. Click View Report in the Search Results to pull up all the information on the property.

Try using the street name only without numerals, directionals or street types. For example, if you are searching for “99999 SE Port Saint Lucie Boulevard” try using only “Port St Lucie”. This example would return all addresses located on Port St Lucie Blvd. If you are unsure of the street name, you can even type only a partial street name and will receive all properties with a street name that begins with your input. (ie. typing “Port” will return all “Port St Lucie Blvd” addresses)

For the most optimal search of properties using the name, it is important that the name be spelled correctly. If you are unsure about the spelling of the name, you can use partial names (ie. for Jonathan Doe, you can search by just “Doe” or “Jonathan” or even “Jon”)

Parcel IDs can be searched with or without the dashes in the number. If your search returns zero results, then the number has probably been entered incorrectly. The search requires only the first 7 digits, thus you could try leaving off a few numbers at the end to be sure that all properties beginning with those first seven digits are displayed.

In Search By Real Estate, choose the criteria you would like to search property by, Site Address, Owner, or Parcel ID. Once you start typing in the text box, your search will automatically start to populate. You will see two gray buttons on the left side, Export to Excel and Mail Labels. If you click on Mail Labels it will generate your search results in pdf format for Avery 5160 Labels. If you would like a different format, click Export to Excel and you can mail merge to the label size you prefer.

We have attempted to use the most common standard Avery label sizes available. Our labels will work with the following Avery Label types: 5160, 5260, 5520, 5660, 5810, 5960, 5970, 5971, 5972, 5979, 5980, 8160, 8460, 8660, 8810

Click on Search By Real Estate. At the top of the page there will be search criteria in teal. Click on Sales Search. Several search boxes will appear. You will need to type in a Minimum and Maximum Sale Price. Once you start typing in the text box results will start to automatically populate. Additional criteria to narrow your search are provided. Such as Sale Date Within, Land Use, and Subdivision. You are able to reorganize the search results by clicking on any of the search result column headers. You have the ability to export your search results to excel or print mailing labels for the search results.

These properties have traditionally been difficult to write in the proper search criteria. We have, however, attempted to make it a lot easier for the user now. You can write it with or without the 1 at the end and with or without the number or the directional. As long as you include “US HWY” or “US HWY 1” in the search criteria, it will produce results from US 1.

For properties on streets that start with the word “Avenue” such as Avenue A, Avenue D, etc. The word should be spelled out in its entirety as “Avenue”. Do NOT use abbreviations like Ave or AV as these will not produce the desired results.

For properties on numerical streets, enter the street name using the number format. For example, for 2nd Street enter “2nd”. Likewise for 23rd Street enter “23rd”

In order to zoom on the map, there are several ways you can do this as well:

  1. You can move the red slider bar on the left of the map toward the top of your screen to zoom in and move it toward the bottom to zoom out.
  2. You can roll the mouse scroll wheel forward to zoom in and backward to zoom out,
  3. You can click the magnifying glass icon with the + or – and then use the LEFT mouse button to drag a rectangle around the area you wish to zoom in or out of.
  4. You can hold down the SHIFT key and LEFT mouse button to drag a rectangle just like the icon. With the CONTROL and SHIFT keys held while holding down the LEFT mouse button works just like the icon.
  5. Finally, you can double click the mouse to zoom in one level.

Using the Search By Map feature you can search properties through the Basic Search located on the top gray search bar. With Basic Search you can search for a property with Parcel ID, Site Address, or Owner. When you start to type into any of the text boxes search results will start to automatically populate. When you select a parcel you will see a gray information box that will pop up over the property as well as a gray search results box that will pop up on the right side. If your screen. The search box that appears over the property gives you basic information such as Parcel ID, Site Address, Owner, Year Built, Finished Area, and Acres.

Then at the bottom you are given the option to Zoom to.

Dock Window, which, if you click the box will move to the bottom left corner so you have a better view of the map. To make the box reappear over the property just x out when you have the window docked and it will pop back up over the property.

Report, which if you click a pop up window will appear on the left side of your screen. You will see a picture of the property. Below that is a gray bar that has links to the property’s TRIM Notice and information on the property from the Tax Collector.

Below that you will see the View Table which has a drop down menu and you can choose Parcel, Owner, Overview, Legal Description, Value History, Tax Links, Special Assessments, Exemptions, Improvement, Sub Area, SFYI, Land Lines, Permits, and Sale History

At the bottom of this information box you will see view report as full page, if you click that it will take you to the full report with the option to print all the information or collapse the information you don’t want printed.

Measure, which, if you click will give you the option to view the length unit and area unit along with a drop down menu to choose the type of measurement.

Comparable Sale, which, if you click will bring up a search box on the left side which you can change the criteria listed to alter the search. Once you click search it will populate the comparable sales in the view search results on the right side and populate the comparable sales on the map as well.

To bring up the map measurement tools click on Map & Tools located on the top gray search bar on the right side. When you click on Map & Tools a gray tool bar will appear at the top of the page with additional criteria to choose. Click on Measure. A gray box will pop up on the right side with different measurement tools. Choose the tool you would like to measure with then double left click your mouse over your starting point and drag to your next point and left click once. When you have measured your desired area, double left click and the measurements will generate the Distance highlighted in green in the gray box on the right side. There is a drop down box next to the Length Unit that allows you to choose the desired unit of measurement.

Click Search by Map. Search for a property or zoom in to the location you would like to select. Click Map & Tools located on the top right of the gray search bar. A gray tool bar will appear at the top of the page with additional criteria to choose. Choose Select, then a gray pop up window will appear on the right of your screen. Click on the dotted rectangle located in the gray search bar of the Select pop up window. When you hover your mouse over the shape it will be labeled Extent. Click Extent then click on the area you would like to select on the map and drag your mouse to select the complete area. Once you select the area the gray pop up window to the right will populate the parcels in the area you have selected. At the bottom of the search results there is a gray bar with Export as with a drop down box to select the document type you would like to download. Select the type you would like and click Download.

To bring up the aerial layers, click on Map & Tools located on the right side of the top gray search bar. Once you click on Map & Tools a gray tool bar will appear at the top of the page. Click on Layers. A gray box will pop up on the right side of your screen. Each aerial available is listed in order by year from current backwards. Click the checkbox next to the year(s) that you want to see. You can then click the arrow to the right of the most recent year that you are viewing to bring up the transparency tool. To make that year’s aerial more transparent, move the slider to the right. Moving the slider all the way to the right will make that year’s aerial completely disappear while moving the slider only halfway to the right will make it transparent such that visual comparisons of the viewed properties can be made by the user between that aerial and the next year’s aerial down that is check marked. Click the arrow to the left of the transparency slider to close the transparency tool.

Once you search for the property or properties you are looking for, click on Map & Tools. A gray tool bar will appear at the top of the page. Click printing, a gray box will pop up on the right side of your screen. In the printing box you will have the option to print the map in different sizes as well as choose the format you would like to save the document in. Print size is located under Print Template with a drop down menu to choose from. Under Print Format you can choose through the drop down menu the format you would like the document in. You have the option to choose to Preserve Scale and Include Legend in your print job as well. Once you have selected your options, click print. The map will pop up in a separate window. To save the map right click your mouse and choose Save as, then choose where you would like to save it on your computer and click save.

Once you search for the property or properties you are looking for click on Map & Tools. A gray tool bar will appear at the top of the page. Click printing, a gray box will pop up on the right side of your screen. In the printing box you will have the option to print the map in different sizes as well as choose the format you would like to save the document in. Print size is located under Print Template with a drop down menu to choose from. Under Print Format you can choose through the drop down menu the format you would like the document in. You have the option to choose to Preserve Scale and Include Legend in your print job as well. Once you have selected your options click print. The map will pop up in a separate window.

On the home page, you will see a Search By Tangible Property icon. Click on the icon and it will take you to the Search By Tangible Property page. There you will see the different criteria you can choose to search for tangible property by at the top of the page in teal. Once you choose the criteria you would like to search by start typing in the text box. Search results will start to automatically populate. Under the Actions column on the left side you will see two teal buttons: Record Card and TRIM.

We welcome you to contact our office at 772.462.1000 to speak with a professional