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property appraiser st lucie county

Public Records Requests

What Records Are Available For Request?

In accordance with Florida law, Property Appraiser records are available to inspect and/or copy. Some examples include the following:

Some records are confidential or exempt, such as:


Fees may apply as set forth in Section 119.07 Florida Statutes

How to Make a Public Records Request

A request for records may be made in-person, by e-mail, phone, or in writing. E-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public record request, do not send electronic mail to our office. Listed below is the contact information to obtain a public record:

The Property Appraiser’s Office will make every effort to expedite requests for records. However, depending on the size and complexity, some requests may require additional time to process. Upon approval and payment, the Property Appraiser’s Office will move forward with preparing the request.

Types of Records Not Available Through Our Office

Please note: the following records are not available from the Property Appraiser’s Office:

  • Building Permits and Plans: Contact the Building Department:
  • Recorded Documents: Contact the Saint Lucie County Clerk of the Court – or by phone at 772.462.6900.
  • Surveys: If a copy was not included in your closing paperwork, you may wish to contact the Building Department to determine if a copy is on file with their office.

It is our pleasure to serve you, and we look forward to doing so.

We welcome you to contact our office at 772.462.1000 to speak with a professional